Sunday, June 3, 2007


There is absolutely no shortage of wonderful, fresh sounds out there. ... It's actually something quite dangerous to get lost in - especially when as you are sinking, the line between wonderful, fresh and popular, sell-out blurs. I always think it's good to go back - way back to the music that David must have danced to - so willing to be humiliated and undignified in front of the Lord.

But, as long as we're here, we are fooling ourselves to think we aren't moved by the melodies and rhythms drifting in and out of ipods, laptops, and stereos. At the moment, I have been inspired and encouraged by Josh Garrels (, Missy Higgins (, and a spectacular mix CD that my friend Patrick sent in a most wonderful cardboard-taped package a couple weeks ago.

I happened upon Josh Garrels while perusing the Relevant Magazine online store. I immediately scoped out his website, read his history, and fell hard for his quirky, fearless sound. The combination of guitar, harmonica, well-blended harmonies, and truly inspired lyrics was enough for a couple days of continuous play and a few bike rides. He is one of those truly independent artists - not independent as in "indie," but he does his own thing without a label...probably better that way. His older CD was available on his website, but his new one is coming in the mail and should be here soon.

Missy Higgins, well, she's been a long-time favorite (to say the least) - let's just say my friends have watched me many times belt her songs at the top of my lungs. She has a new CD out too - On a Clear Night. It's great - every song. I listened to it streaming online and read all the lyrics...I'm that type of music junkie. I have to know all about the artist, their background, their family, the way they view the world. And then I feel like I can sing a long and really know how they are feeling.

Well, there's that.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Well, I have a blog for my crazy thoughts and I have a blog for my crazy travels (which is still waiting to be unlocked!!), but I wasn't really finding a place to write about the fun music, arts, and other random things. So, I guess that will be here! We'll see how it goes!